SONIC BIO-TAPES: a France-Germany project led by ITA

06 . 03 . 2018

A collaborative project between North Rhine-Westphalia and France

The SONIC BIO-TAPES project, for innovative fully biobased hybrid tapes for structural components in lightweight construction is well on the way!

Find all information about the project by clicking here. The SONIC BIO-TAPES project is a collaboration between ITA (at RWTH Aachen) and companies SOFILA and SAFILIN.

This project is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Germany in the funding scheme “The Central Innovation Programme for SMEs – ZIM”. This project also received financial support from Bpifrance, the French Public Investment Bank.The SONIC BIO-TAPES innovation project is a priority project in the TECHTERA cluster and has obtained its support.

The ITA would like to thank the BWMi, Bpifrance, TECHTERA and our partners for the support and the great collaboration on this project.


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