Japan Workshop

11 . 09 . 2018
Villa Créatis, LYON

The Japanese textile market is enjoying a very favourable economic climate, with sales of €17.5bn in 2017: the industry is driven by strong growth (+6.5% in 2017) supported by an industry strongly committed to technological innovation.

Because of this, Japan has become a specialist for high value-added fibre (carbon, polyacrylate, para-aramid) and has very promising sectors such as aeronautics and sport. TECHTERA, in partnership with BUSINESS FRANCE, UP’TEX and aided by the Government Ministry for Enterprises, offers you the following support:

A preparation workshop, September 11, 2018, on the TECHTERA premises

On the programme: presentation of the market, business practices, work of partners (INPI, BPIFrance), business testimonials and individual meetings.

An international partnership mission from December 10 to 14, 2018 in Tokyo and Nagoya

If you join the French delegation, you will benefit from communal and personalised meetings with major Japanese organisations. You can find more information about this offer here. If you are interested in this, please return the entry form (here) plus the profile sheet (here) duly completed before October 15, 2018.

On the programme: presentation of the market, business practices, work of partners (INPI, BPIFrance), business testimonials and individual meetings.

Contact: Julie RAFTON-JOLIVET – jrafton@techtera.org;

Lucie LAGARRIGUE – mission@techtera.org

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