As we close chapter 2024, a year rich in projects, we are also halfway through our four-year performance contract. This contract, which sets out the resources made available to Techtera for fulfilling its mission – to strengthen the competitiveness of the national textile industry through innovation – was the subject of a report presented in December 2024 to the State and Regional departments.
This report provides the Directorate-General for Enterprises (a State Administrative Body) with an overall view of all the activities of the innovation clusters, illustrated by key figures. Three major indicators highlight the way in which manufacturers, through the innovation clusters, have adopted the tools deployed by the State and by Europe. Via Horizon Europe, this has mobilised nearly €100 billion for innovation.
Concerning the first part of the performance contract, Techtera has supported and certified:
- Fourteen projects were financed, representing a budget of €42 million within the framework of France 2023.
- Sixteen European projects financed for the sum of €92 million.
- At the moment, twenty-one projects remain waiting for public funding, The sum for this amounts to €20 million.
This wonderful driving force demonstrates the power of the small and medium-sized business, which mainly make up the textile industry, to surpass themselves and stay at the forefront – also, our ability to help them achieve their ambitions.
The year 2025 is undoubtedly shaping up to be a challenge for some of us in this industry. Together, let us transform these challenges into opportunities and make 2025 a year of progress, dynamism and combined success, by building the coming pages in the history of our industry.
Philippe Sanial, and the whole Techtera team, send you their best wishes for a year dedicated to innovation.
Do not hesitate! Come and talk to us about your challenges, and together we will try to build solutions for the future!