South Korea & Japan: Digital technology at the service of textiles!

13 . 12 . 2023

During a “Learning Tour” organised in November, Techtera explored Japan and South Korea; now considered an El Dorado for distribution in the fashion and luxury sectors, positioning themselves at the top of the worldwide ranking for consumption of luxury products for the year 2022.

Together with R3iLab, the Fédération de la Maille and the Union des Industries Textiles, the group studied how South Korea has managed to become one of the world leaders for innovation and technological development.

Supported by a population, quick to adopt new technologies, South Korea encourages the development of many innovation projects and the rapid marketing of innovative products. Consequently, Korea represents an ideal laboratory for brands to test new ideas. For example, the country is working on the development of 6G, which should be deployed in 2028 – a Korean citizen spends on average 8 hours a day on the phone.

Thus, the Korean textile industry stands out for its use of hyper-connected monitoring tools and innovative production methods, such as product digitalisation, automation and robotisation.

In this context, distributors understand the crucial importance of marketing and image. They now influence in-store textile trends, shaping a remarkable experience before online purchase. The aim is to leave a unique brand imprint, going beyond merely generating revenue.

The in-depth visits to industries, brands, institutions and distributors highlighted the major influence of digital in Korean society, representing an essential advantage for the country.


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