TEXGLOBAL Final event

12 . 07 . 2023

The partners in the European TEXGLOBAL project, of which Techtera is a partner, invite you to the project’s final event on 12 July in Barcelona.

This event is open to all textile companies that are members of the project partners. In addition, companies that took part in the project missions (Mexico, Vietnam, USA) will receive financial support to cover their travel and hotel expenses.

The closing event is designed to support the international activities of SMEs, in particular as part of the follow-up to the missions organised, through seminars, workshops and B2B meetings. Participants will benefit from expert support to define a strategy and take advantage of market opportunities in order to develop more contacts in the target countries.

Please fill in the form to confirm your participation and contact your cluster to set up travel details by 6 June at the latest.


Contact: Julie RAFTON-JOLIVET– jrafton@techtera.org

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