Digital and ecological transition of the European textile industry: consult the study carried out by the EuroBoosTEX partnership

29 . 03 . 2023

Techtera is a partner of the European EuroBoosTEX project alongside four other textile clusters, launched last September. Its aim is to stimulate the environmental and digital transition of European textile small/medium enterprises; and to boost their competitiveness at the international level.

An analysis of the textile sector carried out by EuroBoosTEX has made it possible to identify the main trends that will determine the future of the textile industry in the years to come.

The textile industry: a sector in full transformation

The textile sector is a very large industry, closely interconnected and directly linked to other sectors. In order to be relevant, the strategies now being considered must take into account the entire value chain.

The sector has undergone a series of major transformations in recent decades. This is due to a combination of technological changes, increased demand for sustainable products and processes, and the growing emergence of international competition.

Numerous technologies to help this transition already exist (artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, recycling and reuse of materials, etc. You will find them listed in detail in the study.

Support is necessary on certain key issues

Nevertheless, investments and support are needed to bring circularity and digitisation on an industrial scale into the European textile sector. The study highlights a strong need for enterprises to be supported in this change.

Among the determinants of productivity, there are important factors such as technological innovation; the diffusion of new green technologies; the adoption of better management practices and the training of qualified human resources.

However, it is more complicated for small/medium enterprises to carry out these activities independently. A joint approach to the textile ecosystem will facilitate adoption of the required measures, maximise potential collaboration and achieve better results.

Moreover, the adoption of rapid recovery measures must be carried out, in parallel and in addition, to the adoption of a long-term strategy.

Support from the EuroBoosTEX consortium

Thus, the consortium’s support will make it possible to channel investments in favour of innovation, and diversify top-quality/high-end solutions through calls for projects and dedicated funding throughout the project.

EuroBoosTEX will support initiatives to implement a personalised transition strategy to: fill gaps and mismatches; train the workforce; develop new sustainable and technological applications. This will support the European textile industry in its double transition to green and digital.

Consult EuroBoosTEX study

Project LinkedIn profile

Contact: Sonia DESCOINS –

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