The French textile industry is well organised for making protective masks!

15 . 04 . 2020

Photo: Les Tissages de Charlieu

The current crisis, which has immobilised more than 40% of the world’s population, demonstrates the weaknesses of our globalised supply chains.

Here in France, we can congratulate ourselves that a very fragmented sector such as textiles, has been able to restructure and change its production in less than one month to create “a market place” bringing together suppliers of materials and manufacturers; thereby meeting certain specific needs. The system developed is reserved for professionals:

However, whole areas of the industry are at a standstill.

In both cases, we will need to rebound at the end of the crisis! At Techtera, we strive not only to support businesses on a daily basis, but we are also preparing for the future by maintaining our activity on partnership innovation.

Take care of yourself, we are also taking care to prepare your future!

All our information about COVID-19 :

Find below our articles dedicated to the news of COVID-19 in the textile industry. Note that the various tests and certification it refers to are established by French officials and may not suit the requirements of all countries.

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